
Welcome to Head & Neck Spinal Care!

Dr. Wontaek Hwang (NUCCA chiropractor) helps to bridge the gap between pain and optimal wellbeing since 2018. The head and neck spine problems can impact both structural and neurological functions. We strongly recommend to get the neck checked if anyone suffers from the brain and spine disorders.

Common problems frequently consulted are:

Regular headaches, migraine, dizziness, vertigo, Meniere’s disease, numbness and tingling, facial pain, Trigeminal neuralgia, jaw pain, bite issues, arm pain, leg pain, sciatica, post concussion syndrome, whiplash injury from a car accident, etc.

Schedule an initial consultation to learn how NUCCA care can help improve your health and quality of life that you deserve.

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Why Us?

NUCCA chiropractic care offers the natural and holistic approach to restore body balance, posture, and nervous system functions. NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association) chiropractic focuses on precise and gentle corrections of the upper cervical spine, right at the uppermost vertebra located just below the skull.

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